Length: 2000mm-12000mm
Round dia: 10mm-1000mm, square bar. 10mm -1000mm.
Process: EAF + LF + VD + Forged + Heat Treatment (optional)
Delivery condition: Hot forged +Rough machined (or black surface )+ Turned (optional)
Forged ratio: No less than 3: 1
Technical Data: According to the customer's requirement of Chemical Composition, Physical
Properties and Mechanical Testing. Strictly according to the process of forged steel bar
Material details will be as per agreed technical specifications
Delivery: follows by the customer

it is a medium tensile low hardenability carbon steel generally supplied in the cold drawn or turned and polished condition, with a typical tensile strength range 600 - 950 Mpa and Brinell hardness range 179 - 280. in either condition. Characterised by good strength and impact properties, with good machinability and reasonable weldability in the as supplied condition. 1045 has a low through hardening capability with sections up to around 60mm only generally recommended as suitable for through hardening and tempering. It can however be successfully flame or induction hardened in the as supplied condition resulting in surface hardnesses of up to Rc 54 - Rc 60 depending upon quenching medium employed, type of set up, section size etc.